A new animation by me depicting the eloquence and graceful elocution of 21st century American politics.
A decent into the madness of the great pandemic lockdown through the lens of a morally questionable narrator!
Debuting as one-half of the hit fringe show “Jerk off our egos” in 2022. Listen to the whole set for free! Get yourself a chilled White Claw, a years worth of toilet paper and enjoy all the fun and nostalgia of the covid pandemic!
May contain rapidly irrelevant Tiger King references.
This cyberpunk dystopia is a stupid joke
Much rage pud is being agitated into a froth in Florida these days over the perception that Disney has abandoned their vigilance as the moral paragon of children's entertainment in America. The once reliable. unprovocative, wholesome Haus of Maus has betrayed god and country, sworn fealty to the radical left and are now producing lesbian witchcraft dildo play instruction manuals for kids or something…..
Read MoreJerk off our Egos..........the charlatans return, back from the brink of total madness....
Update: Thanks Rogue Fest, were sold out.
Currently in production!!!
We (the deviant collective that makes up the writers and voice actors) have decided to forego releasing episode one of this dungeons and dragons inspired animated comedy clusterfuck for a bit and instead make a few episodes and release a short season with a coherent media push and a landing page etc etc.
So it will be a bit before public release but rest assured, it’s amusing and will eventually be good to go as fast as the schedule of moonlighting part-time creatives with back problems can muster.
Wet-Wired for Weird, part 4, wetter still, the No-town lowdown!
Online pandemic weirdo theater for NO MONEY DOWN! YOU CAN WATCH IN YOUR UNDERWEAR WITH SALSA STAINS ON YOUR CHONIES AND ITS ALL GOOD! Watch my show "Wet-Wired for Weird, part 4, wetter still, the No-Town Lowdown" while you fold your laundry and choke down your 5th Smirnoff Ice.
Read MoreThe Limp Coup
“This is an alpha-Karen moment for white grievance in this country, a violent hapless temper tantrum, an extinction burst governed no more by specific policy demands than a toddler is governed by reasonable decorum, and like the man at whose feet they fall and fawn and fight for, a toddler truly is his countenance and temperament.”
Read MoreScurvy vs Telemarketers gimme the meth Adam
This is a real call that I answered hurriedly while pumping gas . You have to admire the guys tenacity in persisting with the pitch despite the fact that it immediately descended into clownish bullshit.
Scurvy vs Telemarketers - Scammin for Jesus
This is a real telemarketing call from some shady phone ministry looking for 'faith seed' donations, they're probably looking for old people close to death and worried about the the afterlife so they can exploit their fear and get a credit card number. Obviously i had to do as much as I could to waste their time.
ol' fashion guy
A side project for fun
To my white friends....
I write this a few years ago and unfortunately it's still relevant. After 2016 I noticed a groundswell of newly empowered bigots even among people I had known for years, I wrestled with a quandary. Was I so oblivious that I didn't see it? Were they newly radicalized? Have they been rendered intellectually infantilized by a culture that reinforced their effortless hero fantasy?
Live performance - get the fuck away from me edition
Name-Tag Blues, listen to the whole show for FREE!
A tribute to the working-class schmuck, the wage-slave, the bottom rung, the proletariat masses yearning to be free, the burning souls constrained by name-tags and hair-nets with nothing to loose and no reason to care.
•The ugliest baby I ever saw / how i got fired from the portrait studio
•Scrapping the vomit off your collar and other surefire tips for nailing that interview
•A cute story about my very first shitty job
• A bunch of other stuff
The whole show for FREE right here on my website. Feel free to share.
Name-Tag Blues @ 2020 Rogue Festival
My multi-award winning show comes home to the place it was born. With four dates at the illustrious Tent of Tales. Click the button below to do the online payment thing for your seat (through Paypal, Venmo)
The Suave Reaper
The Suave Reaper - digital free hand
Autistic Shorts - Lost in Oblivion
Yay !! The new episode of Autistic Shorts is here! Lost in Oblivion, a cute examination of the sub-text of political dialogue OR inflammatory pigeon-holing of a disaffected rubes being manipulated by a psychopath…meh, probably both
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