The Limp Coup

This right here basically said it all.

A final summation of all things this addled, petty grievance motivated, cult of personality nightmare has given us in the last four arduous years of strife.

The enraged red-topped acolytes scaled the walls, ripped down the American flag, cast it to the ground and replaced it with the eponymous Trump flag.

Photo: Igor Bobic

Photo: Igor Bobic

It truly said it all, in the most simple and venal and base distillation of all that Cro-MAGA fundamentalism ever was or will be.

Trump first.

Trump before before law, Trump before country, Trump before friends, family. Trump before constitution.

I will give my life for Trump, for his glory.

The man who was photographed sitting at Nancy Pelosi’s desk said he was prepared to do just that. Richard Barnett of Gravette Arkansas who, among other things identified himself as a white-nationalist, was seemingly able to able to make it in an out of the building with little difficulty and even stole some of her mail.

the limp coup 2.jpg

The common sentiment is expressed that law enforcement treated the rioters with kids gloves because both groups have a history of fraternization, concurrent conservative philosophies and violent malignant racism.

Many more have observed that had this been a Black Lives Matter rally, a movement ironically orbiting around accountability for police violence, the police would have undoubtedly responded with unrelenting violence.

Photo: Alex Brandon/AP

Photo: Alex Brandon/AP

And of course this is true and correct beyond the shadow of doubt for any rational person to have lived in 21st century America, or in the 20th or the 19th and on and on etc. If you contend the certitude of this observation I invite you look closely at this photo from the violent attack on peaceable protestors earlier this year, expelling them from Lafayette Park for a tacky photo op.

Only one of these photos is a police response to a siege by extremists aimed at using violence to overturn the political process during its most crucial constitutional function, unfortunately its the wrong one.

The Cro-MAGA’s stormed the building at the urging of their dear leader only blocks away, having been hopped up on months of insane conspiracy theories festering anaerobically in a stew of pandemic lockdowns and economic death spiral. They doom-scrolled endlessly and succumbed entirely and alienated friends and family with an increasingly rabid dogma and naked hypocrisy and shameless expedient defections from their most sanctimonious convictions.

image from an anti-science re-open protest

image from an anti-science re-open protest

How pro-life can you be if your willing to let others die needlessly because you need mozzarella stick’s unfettered? How sacred can life be if you feel your right to shop without a mask is more important than the basic human principle of not casually endangering the lives of everyone around you?

The answer is simple, it’s a farce, a performative stroke job.

This is an alpha-Karen moment for white grievance in this country, a violent hapless temper tantrum, an extinction burst governed no more by specific policy demands than a toddler is governed by reasonable decorum, and like the man at whose feet they fall and fawn and fight for, a toddler truly is his countenance and temperament.

They looted and broke stuff and took selfies, mugging in the same way teenagers do when they break into somewhere they are not supposed to be. They literally climbed the walls, discrediting years of Trump mantras that walls work to keep undesirables out.

LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

The were wearing stupid costumes and waving ole’ dixie, because they can’t back a winner to save their life. They put a MAGA hat on a stature of Gerald Ford and posed with it, not seeming to consider the irony that Ford was famously NOT elected and then NOT elected again after he pardoned an unpopular criminal president who abused his power.

“They work for us, They don’t get to steal it from us!” This is what they man yelled fervently into camera. By us he means people who have been primed for years as “the real America” a catch phrase used to denote white rural working class. The suggestion being that big cities like New York and San Francisco and the people that inhabit them are not real Americans. They are the unable to cope with the inventible demographic shift, that someday they will be the minorities, that their culture and religion and values will no longer be the default.

This was a limp coup, for all it’s bluster it accomplished nothing other than to delay the inevitable and counteractively, expedited its resolution. Some republicans even retracted their objections to vote certifications, having been thoroughly shaken by the havoc that ultimately left four dead in the heart of the nations capitol.

Too little too late from servile cowards who tied themselves to the insurrection train in a slimy curtsy to please the toddler king.

But far too many, the majority of house republicans, still sought the baseless disenfranchisement of millions of voters pinned entirely on stupid internet conspiracy theories that vindicated their most self serving prejudice.

I suppose we should all be relieved that Trump and his enablers have planned their coup just like they did the pandemic response that made him a one term loser, shoddily, half-assed, self-serving and destined to fail.

LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Unless for some reason you want to make the argument that these guys were intending to squat in the building indefinitely, holding their breath until the military coronated Donald Trump president for life. Something tells me they don’t have detailed plans to craft a provisional government, but I bet they could name every Hollywood actor suspected of being a Satanic pedophile.

Fucking pathetic…what a limp coup.