Post-Mortem lift

A ponderance of the 2016 presidential election



How America?

How have we propped such an obvious turd up on this pedestal for the common man to look up to, this emperor who wears no cloths

This charlatan, this fool,

 This sneering fucking rich kid man baby

This posturing preening orange supremacist

This gilded white trash huckster from planet disconnect,

This diarrhea spewing phony

This poncy daddy's boy,

This thin skinned easy bleeding blubbering spray-tanned asshole in a corn-cob wig.

This ignorant small world Simple Simon motherfucker playing checkers in chess world is now operating the levers of the last remaining hegemonic superpower in the world and the only small consolation is that he looks as abjectly terrified as we are.

The photos from his first day at the Whitehouse were quite telling, our new president elect looked like he had been raped and the room stank.

Here it was, the office he had fought so hard for, with a tacky, vulgar campaign that turned whatever it touched to raw sewage, here was his prize and rather than the smug gloating toddler-pooping face we all expected he look forlorn and haunted.

 It’s as if President Obama took him into the situation room, coldly explained to him the house of cards cluster fuck that awaited him, popped a tic-tac in his mouth and grabbed him by the pussy while maintaining uncomfortable focused eye contact the whole time.

 Donald Trump liked rally’s, and chanting and making long winded speeches that degenerate into pitches for his fucking hotels.  He wasn’t prepared to do the job, to punch in day in day out, negotiate with the senate, read dossiers, sit through intelligence briefings, discuss the budget with Mitch McConnell, a man who is the physical personification of a flaccid old cock.

This win was supposed to be his raison d'etre, now it’s looking like his dead hooker cargo.

Unfortunately, we are all the ones hauling the body to the shallow grave.

It is by our backs and budgets and burden that this clown has waltzed into position of power over our lives bringing with him a cadre of cronies and loyalists for whom the lies, racism, misogyny, normalized torture, war crimes,  and apartheid is not a deal breaker .

These are the people that booed the word “science” at their national convention, because apparently the idea that a global United Nations conspiracy theory, perpetrated by thousands of interdisciplinary scientists worldwide orchestrated for the express purpose of fucking coal miners in Pennsylvania is more believable than…a thermometer.  

What’s next are they going to heckle gravity? Insist that procreation through sex is a hoax perpetuated by the main-stream media to suppress the truth that babies are brought by storks?

 So yeah, I’m upset and it’s going to be a rough few years for everyone, especially Trump voters.

And many of you are going to be bombarded this week with endless smug gloating bullshit from Trump voters basking in the glow of the garbage fires they just started as well as sanctimonious finger wagging from 3rd party stalwarts celebrating their purity. No matter how annoying they may be, do yourself and the body of thought in America a favor and DON'T DON'T unfriend them no matter how tempting, and here's why.

The echo chamber of confirmation bias and selective retention is one of the reasons we are in this mess in the first place. When you live in a bubble and all you hear and see is ditto heads who agree with you, your world view becomes small, uncomplicated and inextricably correct no matter how far your head is shoved up your own ass. If you start deleting your gloating friends, you are extracting badly needed inquiry and dissension in their lives leaving them to the machinations of professional manufacturers of bullshit like Sean Hannity or Alex Jones, the very same "news" sources that influence the opinions of President Leatherface himself.

Don't delete them, debate them, point out their inconsistencies, their fallacies, their assumptions and maybe, just maybe, learn something about them and maybe even change their mind. Let no bullshit got unchallenged

For the next 4 years, we all have to get so god damned loud that god will ask us to turn our speakers down.

That means action, not just posting on the internet. That means voting, and knowing what you’re voting for and using your laptop for more than pornography output system.

That means vetting your news and checking sources and going toe-to-toe with your racist uncle during Thanksgiving dinner when he drops some stupid bullshit.

For all those who say your vote doesn’t matter, fuck you and cram it up your ass. If your vote didn’t matter greedy old men wouldn’t work so hard to suppress it, and scuttle it and Gerrymander the shit of the electoral map and throw money down every campaign hole they could ejaculate their bank account into.

46% of the electorate decided this election by staying home, and traditionally even more sit out the mid-term elections which are underway two years from now.  

You want shit your way, vote, because you can’t put your foot in your mouth if there’s already a big republican dick in it.

As for me, I will eventually get over it and there is a bright side, California finally legalized weed.

Buddha bars on the west coast are going to be a gas. All pissed, and getting high and stirring with rage arias. I envision stoners who rise up (and sit back down to contemplate) but then rise back up and band together, forming cadres of elite super freaky, hyper literate, evangelical atheists with concealed carry permits and performance art tendencies; packed to the gills with hippy-billies, drag queens, old people from the two ocean cities, hip-hop folk heroes and the creme-de-la-creme of the down and out..... keeping the pacific rim on lockdown.