The tight rope age
I wonder if there will be a time in human history where we look back at the period where the overlap of our collective belief in gods and our development of nuclear weapons will be referred to as ‘the tightrope period’ or something equally ominous; that period where we seemed to exist on a precipice between our presumed fecklessness in the face of supernatural entities with the power to destroy our world and our own power to destroy our world.
It’s September 4th, 2017 and the seeming personification of impotent simpleton rage, a walking coke dick tantrum, a tough talking phony whose arrogance is only rivaled by his thin skin hubristic conman guile is the President of the United States.
And what is this nation but the most dominant and dangerous homo sapien tribe in the history of earth, the last remaining super power, the hegemonic wonder fucker, the king shit of the peacock strut, Heavy weight and intercontinental title holder, literally the most heavily armed, most efficiently violent, most super of the super predators in our history to ever walk the terra and we are handing the levers of the great machine to a man who said in earnest “when did we beat Japan at anything” failing to recall that one instance when we fucking nuked them.
A faux pas made even more sinister by his open avocation of ethno-religious concentration camps
It reminds me of so fondly of a George W Bush and all the dumb ass shit he used to say:
“I know how hard it is to put food on your family”
I believe humans and fish can co-exist peacefully”
“The question has been asked, is our children learning”
“I believe god guides me.”
George dubya dipshit Bush, a hubristic rich kid given underserved importance with an unearned legacy after losing the popular vote and ushering in the longest dumbest fuckin war in the grand history of long dumb fucking wars by the war-inest warrriors in the history of fuckin people up.
He too thought his hand was guided by divinity, as if god had chosen him to fulfill a destiny rather than the lucky genetic lottery winner he really was; a petulant buffoon, born to wealth and influence beyond measure and groomed for the ruling class from day 1 no matter how stupid, boorish or unfit.
His father made him, propped him up, gave him incredible wealth and greased the wheels of life to allow for his mediocre progeny to succeed in spite of his colossal incompetence. He partied hard and ruined businesses and failed upwards; completely oblivious to his own inadequacy.
If any of this is sounding starkly familiar, recognize that history sometimes repeats itself and mistakes made once will be made again despite the overwhelming evidence of fuck-tardery from the last dumpster fire we started. We’ve had two world wars, and at least a decade of nickleback and second term for our first president of the new millennium who just happened to declare war on the wrong country.
We can’t be trusted.
George dubya douchbag Bush Forrest Gumped his way into the White House and became seemingly, at that time in history, the most ridiculous president in history.
An incompetent, incurious mal-adapted ape in a cowboy outfit, stuttering his way through two foreign wars as he handed money to the rich and subsidized religion and drained the treasury like a coke head robs his trust fund.
The critics and pundits and artists and sages said “Surely this is the most unfit executive the nation has ever seen.” And then the republicans said “Oh yea? Hold my drink.”
If I seem like I’m picking only on the Republicans, it’s because that is exactly what I’m doing.
Fuck the Republicans, fuck their ideas, I abhor them. Regardless of anything the Republican party ever was, today, right now, it is a party of whores and thieves and shallow pimps who would climb over a choking war veteran in the street to get to a fetus they could shove in the faces of frightened teenage girls walking into a clinic.
These are people that want to force women to carry unwanted children to term and make her pay full price for the hospital bill so a few hundred bloated rich families can get a tax break.
These bible fondling shit heels held aloft their cross, opened their weeping Christ stigmata, turned their nose up at you with sanctimonious bile and declared their holy moral authority.
And then what happened, they gingerly cowered down on their knees like the cynical patented phony’s that they are, opened their collective maws wide and let a petty spray tanned conman cum in their mouths….so they could win.
In an instant their pious throne of light was revealed to be nothing more than the festering toilet at a cheap all you can eat buffet, where everybody takes a turn if they got the money to get in.