Outlaw ammo-sexual conversion therapy for chromo-neutral mutants!

I keep hearing this stupid platitude in the national gun violence debate that “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun” but you would be a total simpleton if you accepted this contention unchallenged as the obvious dick-cheese that it is.

thoughts and prayers bomb.jpg

I’m certain a good guy with a well placed stick of dynamite or wielding the front grill of a speeding truck could get the job done. Even an average person wielding a baseball bat or a machete has a decent chance of stopping a bad guy with a gun, especially if it’s in close quarters…as long as they don’t hesitate.

Go right for the vitals with extreme prejudice.

Couldn’t a not so good but highly motivated guy stop a bad guy with a Molotov cocktail, or a big chunk of concrete or an ice pick to the balls; an ice pick to the balls would definitely stop a ‘bad-guy’ with a gun, especially if it’s one of those dick-less cupcakes who goes bat-shit because they couldn’t get laid and how dare those dirty jezebels scoff at his whiskey dick and emotionally stunted rage, he really proved them right.

How about we hire one bad guy with a gun to kill other bad guys with guns.

If it’s all so fucking simple that we can suggest solutions that deal only in the 2 color comic book world of “bad guys” and “good guys” why put a good guy in harms path at all, just convince bad guys to do all scut work.

We’ll find violent recidivists, pay them in amphetamines and vodka, arm them to the teeth with hi-tech murder machines, deputize them and turn’em loose on our schools to weed out the trouble makers, loners and weirdos……. what could go wrong?

Or how about we cut out the middle man and just arm all the kids, we’ll setup a federal program to teach children how to become more lethal marksman and we’ll get sponsorship from the Chick Fillet, Liberty University and the NRA. We can raise a Hail Mary praise Jesus and pass the ammunition save America  ammo-sexual child soldier army! We’ll thunderfuck the bad guys with thoughts, prayers and hollow points; anything to safeguard the innocence of our nations children.